ChalkRock Ltd

Recent Publications (from present and back to 2001)
MORTIMORE,R.N. 2018. The Chalk of the South Downs of Sussex and Hampshire and the North Downs of Kent. Geologists’ Association Guide. Due 2018.
RILEY, E., BELLHOUSE, M., MORTIMORE, R. (In prep). Use of Sonic Drilling to investigate deep geology: A case study for an urban East London Environment. ICE
WIESE, F., ZOBEL, K. & MORTIMORE, R.N. 2017. Intrinsic processes control Upper Turonian calcareous dinoflagellate cyst assemblages – a case study from the Sussex Chalk (England). Cretaceous Research. In press.
MORTIMORE, R.N., WIESE, F., WOODS, M.A., 2017. Christopher John Wood (18 August 1939–27 January 2016): palaeontologist and ‘owl’ of the Cretaceous. Cretaceous Research, In Press.
MORTIMORE R.N. 2017c. In prep. Late Cretaceous tectono-sedimentary events in NW Europe. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, xxx, xx-xx (reviewed and accepted)
MORTIMORE R.N. 2017b. In prep. Late Cretaceous to Miocene and Quaternary deformation history of the Chalk: channels, slumps, faults, folds and glacitectonics. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, xxx, xx-xx (under review)
MORTIMORE R.N. 2017a. In prep. Late Cretaceous stratigraphy, sediments and structure: gems of the Jurassic Coast of Devon and Dorset, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, xxx, xx-xx (accepted proofs in preparation)
MORTIMORE, R.N., GELDER, J., MOORE, I., BROOKS, R., GALLAGHER, L. & FARRANT, A. 2017. Stonehenge - a unique Late Cretaceous phosphatic Chalk geology: implications for sea-level, climate and tectonics and impact on engineering and archaeology. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 128, 564-598.
MORTIMORE, R.N., GELDER, J., MOORE, I., BROOKS, R., GALLAGHER, L. & FARRANT, A. 2016. Stonehenge: new phosphatic chalk deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of England and implications for tunnelling. Keynote paper 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress, January, 2016, University of Mons, Abstract Volume.
MORTIMORE, R.N. & JAMES, L. 2015. The search for onshore analogues for the offshore Upper Cretaceous Chalk of the North Sea. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 126, 188-210.
MORTIMORE, R.N. 2014. Logging the Chalk. The Definitive Chalk Handbook. Whittles Publishing. .
LAWRENCE, J.A., MORTIMORE, R.N., STONE, K.J, BUSBY J.P. 2013 Sea saltwater weakening of chalk and the impact on cliff instability, Geomorphology,
JEANS, C.V. HU, X.F. & MORTIMORE, R.N. (2012) Calcite cements and the stratigraphical significance of the marine δ13C carbonate reference curve for the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of England. Acta Geologica Polonica, 62, 173-196.
SOLEY, R., POWER, T., MORTIMORE, R.N., SHAW, P., DOTTRIDGE, J., BRYAN, G. & IAN COLLEY, I. 2012. Modelling the hydrogeology and managed aquifer system of the Chalk across Southern England. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2012, 364:129-154, doi:10.1144/SP364.10.
MORTIMORE, R.N. 2013. The importance of geoconservation to the advancement of geosciences: lessons from the Chalk of England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 124, 593-611.
DUPERRET, A.,VANDYCKE, S., MORTIMORE, R.N. & GENTER, A. 2012. How plate tectonics is recorded in chalk deposits along the eastern English Channel in Normandy (France) and Sussex (UK). Tectonophysics, XX, xxx-xxx. (In press doi:10.1016/j.tecto. 2012.01.021).
WOODS, M.A., MORTIMORE, R.N. & WOOD, C.J. 2012. The Chalk of Suffolk. In: Dixon, R. (ed) A Celebration of Suffolk Geology: GeoSuffolk 10th Anniversary Volume (Ed. Roger Dixon) published by GeoSuffolk. pp 105-131.
MORTIMORE, R.N. 2012. Making Sense of Chalk. The 11th Glossop Lecture. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 45, 251-334.
LINNERT, C., MUTTERLOSE, J., MORTIMORE, R. 2011.Calcareous nannofossils from Eastbourne (southeastern England) and the paleoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval. Palaios, 26, issue 5, 298 - 313.
MENKITI, C.O., MERRITT, A.S., CHOY, C.K., MORTIMORE, R.N., BLACK, M. (2011 in press). Geotechnical properties of the Chalk in east London and the Thames Gateway. ECSMGE, Athens 2011: Paper UK16.
MORTIMORE, R.N. (2011). Structural geology of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk Central Mass, Isle of Wight. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. 122, 298-331.
MORTIMORE, R.N. (2011). A Chalk Revolution: what have we done to the Chalk of England? Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. 122, 232-297.
MORTIMORE, R.N., NEWMAN, T., ROYCE, K., SCHOLES, H., LAWRENCE, U. (2011). Chalk: its stratigraphy, structure and engineering geology in east London and the Thames Gateway. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 44, 419-444.
HAMPTON, M.J., BAILEY, H.W., GALLAGHER, L.T., MORTIMORE, R.N. & WOOD, C.J. 2007. The biostratigraphy of Seaford Head, Sussex, an international reference section for the basal boundaries for the Santonian and Campanian stages in Chalk facies. Report for the International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy. Cretaceous Research, 28, 46-60.
LENHAM, J., MEYER, V., EDMONDS, H., HARRIS, D., MORTIMORE, R.N., REYNOLDS, J. & BLACK, M. 2006. What lies beneath: surveying the Thames at Woolwich. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 2006, 159, 32-41.
DUPERRET, A. TAIBI, S., MORTIMORE, R.N. and DAIGNEAULT, M. 2005. Effect of groundwater and sea weathering on the strength of chalk rock from unstable coastal cliffs of NW France. Engineering Geology, 78, 321-343.
WOOD, C.J., **WALAZCSEK, I., MORTIMORE, R.N. & WOOD, M.A. 2004. New observations on the inoceramid biostratigraphy on the higher part of the Upper Turonian and the Turonian – Coniacian boundary transition in Poland and the UK. Acta Geologica Polonica (Gundolf Ernst Memorial Volume), 54, 541-549.
MORTIMORE, R.N, STONE, K.J., LAWRENCE J.L. & DUPERRET, A. 2004. Chalk physical properties and cliff instability. In (Mortimore, R.N. & Duperret, A. eds.). 2004. Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability. Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Number 20. pp. 75-88.
GENTER, A., DUPERRET, A., MARTINEZ, A., MORTIMORE, R.N., & VILA, J-L. 2004. Multiscale fracture analysis along the French chalk coastline for investigating erosion by cliff collapse. In (Mortimore, R.N. & Duperret, A. eds.). 2004. Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability. Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Number 20. pp. 57-74.
DUPERRET, A., GENTER, A, MORTIMORE, R.N., & LAWRENCE J.L. 2004. Coastal Chalk cliff instability in NW France: role of lithology, fracture pattern and rainfall. In (Mortimore, R.N. & Duperret, A. eds.). 2004. Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability. Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Number 20. pp. 33-55.
MORTIMORE, R.N., LAWRENCE J.L. POPE, D. DUPERRET, A. & GENTER, A. 2004. Coastal cliff geohazards in weak rock: the UK Chalk cliffs of Sussex. In (Mortimore, R.N. & Duperret, A. eds.). 2004. Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability. Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Number 20. pp. 3-31.
MORTIMORE, R.N. & DUPERRET, A. (eds.). 2004. Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability. Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Number 20. 173pp.
VOIGT, S., WILMSEN, M., MORTIMORE, R.N. & VOIGT, T. (2003). Cenomanian palaeotemperatures derived from brachiopods, belemnites and oysters in Europe: evidence of shelf-sea migration and temperature-depth stratification. . (in German Geol. Soc. Geologische Rundschau).
NEWMAN, T.G., ALLEN, R.G., MORTIMORE, R.N., MOORE, R.J. (2003). The application of Geological Modelling with the Observational Method to identify and manage ground hazards for tunnelling on the Ramsgate Harbour Approach Road. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36, 35-50
WARREN, C.D. & MORTIMORE, R.N. (2003). Chalk engineering geology – Channel Tunnel Rail Link and North Downs Tunnel. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36, 17-34
BOWDEN, A.J., SPINK, T.W. AND MORTIMORE, R.N. (2002). The engineering description of chalk: its strength, hardness and density. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 35, 355-361.
LORD, A.J., CLAYTON C.R.I., AND MORTIMORE, R.N. (2002). Engineering in chalk. CIRIA, London. 350pp.
MORTIMORE, R.N. (2002). Should 1:50,000 geological maps of the Chalk show the zones instead of, or as well as, the lithostratigraphy? Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 113, 351-355.
DUPERRET, A., GENTER, A., MORTIMORE, R.N., DELACOURT, B., & DE POMERAI, M. (2001). Coastal cliff erosion by collapse at Puys, France: the role of impervious marl seams within the Chalk of NW Europe. Journal of Coastal Research, 18, 52-61.
DUPERRET, A., MORTIMORE, R.N., POMEROL, B., GENTER, A., MARTINEZ, A. (2002). L’instabilité des falaises de la manche en Haute–Normandie. Analyse couplée de la lithostratigraphie, de la fracturation et des effronrements. Bulletin d’Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 39, No. 1, 5–26.
MORTIMORE, R.N. 2001. Chalk: a stratigraphy for all reasons. Keynote paper, The Scott-Simpson Lecture Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 10, 105–22.
MORTIMORE, R.N. WOOD, C.J. AND GALLOIS, R.W. 2001. British Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 23, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. 558pp.